Here is an opportunity for anyone considering obtaining non-profit status through a 501C3. If you've found the process daunting, please check out this website (Click on the logo at the bottom of this message) for more information. Below is just the basic....
Incorporating and obtaining 501c3 status for nonprofits since 1981.
You deserve World Class Service, and you’ll find it here. Everything is designed with you in mind. Friendly and personable service on the telephone, rapid e-mail response time, and easy questionnaires designed over many years to make your experience as easy as possible.Add to that 30+ years of experience with tax-exempt status (this helps us understand what hurdles you will need to cross), documents that have been honed and polished over three decades and that look good and are right-centered for your corporate minute book, and fast turnaround on all your documents (5 business day guarantee). Our World Class Service allows you to have your 501c3 application off to the IRS in a week. We’ve have tried to think of everything that will make the 501c3 experience a great one for you.
We have World Class Clients, too, operating their nonprofits all over the world and all over this great country. They are some of the finest people you will ever meet, giving, sacrificing, working hard, and using all the energy and intelligence they can muster to make this a better world, for you and for all of us. These are the people that make our day, every day, as we serve them. These are the people of whom it can be said, “If everybody were like them, what a wonderful world it would be.”
A long time ago it became apparent that there were two roads to choose from. Cut corners, cut service, cut price, cut results. That was one road, and there are those that go down that road. But there was another road, a high road, of outstanding, impeccable service, the kind of service we could be proud of anywhere in the world. The kind of service we would want for ourselves if we were in your shoes. That was the road we decided to travel. Great clients with great ideas deserve great service—World Class Service. That’s what you will find here. Welcome Aboard!
have served church leaders, youth leaders and a variety of church
workers in almost every imaginable type of independent ministry.
Ø We
have also served just ordinary people who feel a calling to go out to a
dark and hurting world and tell them there is a God who loves them.
Ø We
have served those who minister to travelers, to inner-city gangs, to
the homeless, to motorcycle gangs, to abused and abandoned women and ...
Ø We have set up many scores of churches in the U.S. and around the world.
Ø We have helped church planters plant their churches at home and abroad.
Ø Most
churches have been English speaking churches in the U.S., but we have
also set up tax-exempt-status for many ethnic churches here.
Ø We have obtained 501c3 status for many Hispanic churches in the U.S.A.
Ø We have set up nonprofits to start churches in many foreign countries.
Ø In
1981, we started this ministry to the Christian community by setting up
our first 501c3 mission for the “Flying Nurse of the Philippines.”
Ø We
have served missionaries and missions doing mission work in far-flung
outposts and forgotten places as well as those closer to home.
Ø We
have served missions in the foreign fields of Europe, Asia, Latin
America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Island Nations of the Pacific.

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