We should all have a Moringa Tree. read about what great value these trees can become for you & the people you serve.
A Miracle Tree that can Flourish in the Desert and Still have More Nutritional Value than any Other Botanical on this Planet!

The indigenous knowledge and use of Moringa is referenced in more than 80 countries and known in over 200 local languages. Moringa has been used by various societies (Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and Indian to mention a few) for thousands of years with writings dating as far back as 150 AD.
"Moringa's potential as diet aid, water purifier is seen as boon to hunger fight. It's cheap, full of nutrients and a known quantity in much of the developing world.
Scientifically speaking, Moringa sounds like magic. It can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and enable a malnourished mother to nurse her starving baby. Ounce for ounce, it has the calcium of four glasses of milk, the Vitamin C of seven oranges and the potassium of three bananas.
Sounds like your Power Bar, you say? Well, consider this: A dash of Moringa can make dirty water drinkable. Doctors use it to treat diabetes in West Africa and high blood pressure in India. Not only can it staunch a skin infection, Moringa makes an efficient fuel, fertilizer and livestock feed.
Memo to Popeye: Moringa has triple the iron of spinach and more impressive attributes than olive oil. And it's not only good for you, it's delicious. You can cook Moringa in Moringa oil and top it with Moringa sauce and still taste a spectrum of flavors.
And it's cheap enough to grow on trees. Which is what Moringa Oleifera is: A tree, with a gnarly trunk and tousled head of foliage that make it look like a cypress that just rolled out of bed. It is a common tree that thrives in both the desert and the living room and produces leaves, pods, seeds and flowers that each do uncommon things" ......... Mark Fritz, LA Times, Staff Writer
In 1997 to 1998, Alternative Action for African Development and Church World Service test the power of Moringa leaf powder in pregnant or breast feeding women to prevent or cure malnutrition. The results of the test provided outstanding results in that pregnant women recovered from anemia and gave birth to babies with higher birth weights than before, breast feeding mothers had more milk, and the babies born had overall better health.
Other countries are already using the power of Moringa to treat all kinds of disease and ailments such as:
• Guatemala - skin infections and sores
• India - anemia, anxiety, asthma, blackheads, blood impurities, bronchitis, catarrh, chest congestion, cholera, conjunctivitis, cough, diarrhea, eye and ear infections, fever, glandular swelling, headaches, abnormal blood pressure, hysteria, pain in joints, pimples, psoriasis, respiratory disorders, scurvy, semen deficiency, sore throat, sprain, and tuberculosis
• Malaysia - intestinal worms
• Nicaragua - headache, skin infections, and sores
• Philippines - anemia, glandular swelling, and lactation
• Puerto Rico - intestinal worms
• Senegal - diabetes, pregnancy, skin infections, and sores
• Venezuela - intestinal worms
• Other countries - colitis, diarrhea, dropsy, dysentery, gonorrhea, jaundice, malaria, stomach ulcers, tumor, and urinary disorders
Moringa Oleifera, is one of the 14 species in this family and the most studied. She is a small shrub or tree that can reach 12m or 36 ft. height and can live up to 20 years. She is one of the fastest grow tree and can reach 3m or 9 ft. in height in less than a year. She has deep roots to survive the droughts. Her leaves replenish themselves even in the drought seasons.
For more information and how to purchase seeds to grow your own moringa tree or

· For a fast-growing tree that will bear leaves, blossoms and seed pods - called drumsticks, the first year - choose Moringa Oleifera. It is best to keep your Moringa trees at a manageable height; it makes harvesting the leaves and pods much easier to do. The drumsticks hanging from the Moringa tree, contain the Moringa tree's seeds. They can be planted as soon as the pod is dry, or stored for planting later.
- If you want a fast-growing tree with much larger leaves, making the task of gathering them for a meal easier, opt for Moringa Stenopetala.
- The flowers and seed pods take longer to develop on the African variety of Moringa - Moringa Stenopetala.
- The seeds are very different, but they both grow Moringa trees. In actuality, the seeds are basically the same size; but, you can see they are not alike in appearance. Moringa Oleifera seeds are round, brown, and winged. Moringa Stenopetala seeds, out of their husk, are almond-shaped and light tan in color.
· Decide where you would like to grow your Moringa tree. Keep in mind that Moringa trees can grow over 20 feet tall, their first year. The average growth is about 15 feet, however, in optimum conditions, they can grow much taller. Because the branches will grow, on the average, to about three to four feet wide the first year, you will need to consider whether you want to plant your Moringa tree close to any existing structures. Moringas need a lot of sunlight, warmth, and water, in order to thrive - so think about where your tree will obtain the best exposure to the sun.

- If you would like to grow it as a hedge, plant the seeds into the ground, about 1 foot apart. Pinch back every other new leaf growth, to force the tree to grow like a bush, and once they are about 2 feet tall, cut the branches in half lengthwise, and pinch back the new leaf growth that will sprout out at the top of the Moringa tree.
· If you are going to grow your Moringas in rows, then plant the seeds about 3 feet apart, in rows that are at least 6 feet apart, for easy weed removal and walking through the rows.
- If you are going to grow your Moringa as a solitary tree, just remember to give it plenty of room, so its branches can spread out. Periodically, cut back the top of the tree, to encourage new growth, and cut the branches' length back, by half. This will insure that your Moringas thrive, and give you lots of beautiful flowers, edible leaves, and drumsticks - for years to come.
· Make a hole in the soil, and plant the Moringa seeds about ¾" to 1" deep, cover with soil, and tamp it into place. Make a note of when you planted the seed or seeds, so you can monitor their growth. Once you have covered the seeds, thoroughly water the soil. Whether you plant the seeds in pots, or right into the ground, they will need a thorough soaking every day, until you see the seedling emerge from the soil. Once they have sprouted, they can be watered once every other day, until they are about 18 inches tall. Then, once a week will be sufficient.
· Some people soak the seeds in water until they sprout, and then plant them. This method also works, but Moringa seeds are very hardy, and do not really need this additional step.
they need to plant these all over nevada's desert...should work..
ReplyDeleteHi, Roy and Deb,
ReplyDeleteWe've done a bit of work with Moringa growing here in N. Africa. It is indeed a miracle tree. The main drawback in our area is water. The young trees need to be watered a lot. This severely limits where they can be grown and also increases the amount of work to get them going. (Many people are not willing to invest the labor to haul the amount of water required.)
But even though Moringa has not been a great success in our area so far, I think it is wonderful that you know of it and are proclaiming it to the world. D&D
Vickie from HEART in Nairobi has some seeds and they are going to grow some there and see what happens too!
ReplyDeleteI agree this is an awesome tree. I am a firm believer in Moringa. In fact as I write this I am have a cup of moringa tea.
Tammy Francabandera
Director of Children Ministry
PO Box 63414-00619
Muthaiga, Nairobi
Kenya East Africa