Under the guise of investigating money laundering
via high-end art purchases in Europe, Royce finds himself in Switzerland with
only sketchy information, no backup, and without a single weapon other than his
His appointment with a gallery owner in Geneva is a
dead end--the man is on the floor with a bullet through his chest. But it turns
out Royce does have backup. The Mossad has sent someone to keep an eye on this
undercover op, which is of more than casual interest to the Israelis. And it's
someone Royce knows...
My Review
“You must ask the one question I have spent my entire life running from.”
Rhana’s gaze was a burning flame. “You
must ask which direction will lead you closer to God.”Marc Royce is back and author Davis Bunn once again captured my senses as he took me on a new journey of reconnaissance, romance & faith. The last (really?) of the trilogy, one could read each as a stand-alone novel. But why? Just like Lion of Babylon and Rare Earth, Strait of Hormuz will catch you up in a page-turning race to reach the end of the book where all the pieces of life’s mystery fall together.
I was drawn into the story as Bunn wove each character in and out of the tapestry of the rich and beautiful to the dangerous and harrowing moments of international espionage. From prominent art gallery, yacht and luxurious resort to high sea adventure and car chase you will find yourself on the edge of your seat as Marc and the woman he secretly loves zigzag their way through an intricate plot unrevealed until the end. Davis Bunn has a gift of interlinking suspense with God's plan, redemptive nature and hope for each individual person. I love un-wrapping each and every story. You will too.
I received a complimentary copy of Strait
of Hormuz from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
Chapters 1-3 of Strait of Hormuz for free
Davis Bunn
Davis Bunn is a four-time Christy Award-winning, best-selling author now serving as writer-in-residence at Regent's Park College, Oxford University in the United Kingdom. Defined by readers and reviewers as a "wise teacher," "gentleman adventurer," "consummate writer," and "Renaissance man," his work in business took him to over 40 countries around the world, and his books have sold more than seven million copies in sixteen languages.
Davis Bunn is a four-time Christy Award-winning, best-selling author now serving as writer-in-residence at Regent's Park College, Oxford University in the United Kingdom. Defined by readers and reviewers as a "wise teacher," "gentleman adventurer," "consummate writer," and "Renaissance man," his work in business took him to over 40 countries around the world, and his books have sold more than seven million copies in sixteen languages.
of Hormuz is the series finale of the
popular Marc Royce Adventures. Library Journal named Lion of Babylon (Book 1) a “Best Book of 2011.” Rare Earth (Book 2) won the 2013 Christy
Award for best suspense novel and was a CBA top 20 best-seller.
Pictured: Davis Bunn and his wife, Isabella Bunn.

Q: This story includes two special components from your early life. Tell us about them.
DB: My mother worked as an antiques dealer. In truth, ‘work’ was not really the correct term, because this was a passion she inherited from her mother. They bonded while my mom was still a child, going to small eastern Carolina towns and hunting around junk stores for the sort of bargains that don’t exist anymore.
Their first love was early
Americana, a type of colonial furniture known as Jacobean that predated
America’s nationhood. I never really shared this passion, but in two previous
books I came to respect and admire those who do.
And so I knew a great delight
in re-entering this world in Strait of
Hormuz, only this time at the very highest end. Strait takes place in the rarified world of multi-million dollar
art, where the richest of collectors vie with museums and galleries for items
that are no longer classed as antiques, but rather as treasures
The second special component
was the location. I lived in Switzerland for almost five years, and many of the
venues were places where I worked, and walked, and came to discover myself as
an author.

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