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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The amazing benefits of Strawberries….

…these nutrient-rich berries fight weight gain, cancer

Red, ripe strawberries mean that summer is near. These delicious berries are everywhere in June which is peak strawberry season.  These amazing berries are fantastic allies in your fight against weight gain, says Dr. Leo Galland, author of The Fat Resistance Diet, and Jonathan Galland.

Strawberries: 1. Stimulate your metabolism and suppress your appetite.  2. Carry a low glycemic load, helping to control the rise in blood sugar, a key benefit for those with type 2 diabetes.  3.  Help your weight-reducing hormones function properly, optimizing your weight loss. 

Strawberries also have other great health benefits.  They’re full of powerful antioxidants, which fight against inflammation – which over time can lead to heart disease and stroke, diabetes, cancer and other conditions.  Low in calories and high in nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C, strawberries are a great addition to a healthy diet.  They may even help to prevent your brain from aging, according to some studies.

For a powerful nutritional punch, simply add a handful of sliced strawberries to: granola, oatmeal, smoothies or yogurt. 

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